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My work as Social Media & Marketing Manager

I am the social media and marketing manager for this project! It is my responsibility to create and distribute fun and engaging content to generate buzz around the film. I oversee a department of two other crew- BTS still photographer Matt Stitt & our graphic designer Shannon Murphy. This is a unique position as it almost runs parallel to the production as two separate entities. The pay off of my work will be during the film's distribution.

The Moon Comes Out Short Film: Image

My Workflow

I joined the project with some previous experience as a social media manager but this had been my first time in the role of marketing director. In order to keep the feed alive I knew I would have to come up with a strict regime to ensure I had consistent content ready to be scheduled and released. At the beginning of my engagement in the role I sat down and formulated a Social Media Strategy for the project and roadmapped the content to be released from pre-production all the way to the film's festival release. 
I constructed deadlines for the pre-production to release of each post to ensure I stay on track. Naturally of course things did not always go to plan as I had to keep in line with the shoot but this just lead me to adapt and come up with creative solutions to keep the content fun and relevant.

Skills Learnt

From working on this project I have improved a number of skills such as my photography, photo editing, content creation and department management skills. 

While also building on my understanding of the following programs

  • Facebook Business Suite

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Instagram Business Lab

  • Slide (a program that allows better control over the design of your instagram feed. 


Obstacles to Overcome

Like most film productions, there were a number of set backs thrown in to keep things interesting for us. For example the day after the photo-shoot for the cast announcement campaign, the supporting actor had to depart from the project due to health concerns. This meant I had to come up with a creative solution to keep salvage the now inaccurate photos from the shoot.
But the most devastating blow back for me and my team was when my personal Facebook account was hacked by terrorists leading to it being permanently disabled and consequently the project's page only three days before the film's shoot window. Thankfully, the film's Instagram had be spared and so we still had a key platform active while I had to rebuild the page.

The Moon Comes Out Short Film: News

Feed highlights

Example of my work

Behind the scene highlights from each shoot day represented on the socials feed.

The Moon Comes Out Short Film: Text
The Moon Comes Out Short Film: Pro Gallery

Crew Headshots

Example of my work

As a part of the social media campaign, I wanted to celebrate each of the departments by introducing each crew member. I wanted to do this as it would not only generate new content to keep engagement up but I knew it would bring traffic to the pages as the tagging of the individual crew member would share it to their friends and family. 

Below are some examples of the different drafts I created whilst workshopping a headshot template.

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A personal favourite but would be too time consuming to customise all 26 headshots to achieve the desired effect.

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I scaled back the drama on this one a little too much making it far too boring to attract the engagement I was looking for.



The more sensible choice that would work across the entire crew in a much more flattering light. 

The Moon Comes Out Short Film: News

Example of content preparation documentat

Photoshoot Proposal for Cast Announcement Campaign

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The Moon Comes Out Short Film: Welcome
The Moon Comes Out Short Film: Image
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