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  • lucylakshman

Director's Reflection: final days of preproduction

30th of March

After the positive results of the test shoot we were set for an easy week leading up to production. Unfortunately, 9 days out, the state of Queensland was thrown into another lockdown. Thankfully due to the nature of the project we are an entirely internal production regarding locations, equipment, crew, etc. which meant this news did cause have too many catastrophic issues.

The only casualties in this sudden change of plans was the set construction and the costuming. We were scheduled to meet with a Brisbane theatre company to peruse their wardrobe but the next opportunity to reschedule was the morning of our shoot. Our back up options all disintegrated as the re-enactment societies expressed concerns about the loaning of their personal gear. Luckily this was quickly resolved as we decided to lean even more into the Brechtian theatre aesthetic and looked at costuming in the sense of what are the key elements of each character and how can we make their clothes represent them. It shall mean we lose some more historical accuracy in presentation but it shall be an artistic decision.

The set building department issue however, is not so easily fixed. These 9 days were the make or break point for the painting and constructing of the sets. The three day lock down backs directly onto the Easter weekend public holidays. As we are making and painting all of our set constructor on campus at the workshop, we will not have access to them until the 6th of April (the day before we shoot) due to the University unexpected closure. This is far from ideal as Tuesday was slated to be our bump in for the sets but shall now have to be reworked to accommodate. Fingers crossed!

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