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GOD(S) & C0.

My work as Costume Designer

As the project's costume designer it is my responsibility to design, source and dress all characters seen on-screen. I work under the umbrella of the Art Department but am in-charge of my branch. I worked closely with the Director and Production Designer to style and create the looks of five core cast and 20+ extras.

God(s) & Co. Short Film: Image


Examples of my work in preparation for the shoot

God(s) & Co. Short Film: Text
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Costume Dossier

Planning and Documentation

I created a costume dossier as a centralised location for all costuming related preparation. In this dossier I had the actors information, a breakdown of the required costuming items and where they were sourced. This was extremely helpful to me as it allowed me to keep track of the tasks completed and the tasks that needed attention. It was also a great way to keep my Director and Department head in the loop. 

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Planning and Designing

Sourcing Costumes

Based on the script requirement I had to realise the creative team's vision for the characters by sourcing costumes that would elevate the characters. This was quite a difficult process for the protagonist Daniel and his character had a very specific vibe we had to emulate through his fashion choices. I went through many options that were close to the vibe but not quite right before finding the correct look. To the right is an example of my progress trying to find the right look. See above for the final look.


DIY Work

Why buy when you can make?

There were a few items that were not so easily sourced or were not exactly as we needed it to be and so I got to put crafty skills to use and transforming a few items to match the film's colour scheme. For example, as each character had to have a green accessory to tie into the larger green theme of the film, I had the idea that Ron, the Purgatory Greeter, should have a welcome vest as his green item. See below for the process and above for the end result!

God(s) & Co. Short Film: News
God(s) & Co. Short Film: News

The Design

I first worked out a design and made a sketch to seek approval from the Director and Production Designer.

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My Role On-set

On set it was my responsibility to maintain the look of every character seen on-screen. I was required to maintain the costuming through-out the day and ensure everything remained as it should in order to avoid continuity errors. Also occasionally appear in the background as an extra!

God(s) & Co. Short Film: About

Final Looks!

Example of my work with the final costumes as seen on screen.

God(s) & Co. Short Film: Text
God(s) & Co. Short Film: Pro Gallery
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